Build bridges within your teams

This was Emmanuel Jeger's deep motivation when he created Bridging @ Work in 2019. He wanted to create connections within organizations and companies with a scientific and technical culture in order to achieve successful managerial and human transitions.
With 20 years of experience on these topics, we offer support tailored to your needs by mobilizing your leaders and teams to sustain your organization and impact it with "the principles of living. "

To allow human melodies to play their collective partition.

Emmanuel Jeger

Emmanuel Jeger, founder of Bridging@Work


An engineering mindset, curious and agile, at the service of a changing world, to accompany the human challenges of scientific, technological and humanistic organizations in their transitions.

A particular motivation to lead the major changes resulting from the ecological transition and the digital revolution for the common good.

A desire to foster intergenerational links in the workplace in order to make the bet on collective intelligence.

Trained and certified

  • Facilitator in Collective Intelligence (R. Dilts Group), 
  • Transactional Analysis - Organizations field - TOB (Berne's Organizational Theory - Systemic diagnostic tool),
  • Thinking complexity in a systemic way (7 necessary renunciations) - F. Balta
  • Engineering diploma + MBA
  • ICF Holistic Coaching - DBI (Lausanne) 
  • Neurocognitivist and Behavioral Approach (NCA)
  • Lego Serious Play (collective intelligence workshop)
  • Psychometric tools: Arc-en-Ciel (DISC behavioral model), Interqualia (emotional health through Flow), EQ-I 2.0 (emotional intelligence), WellScan (RPS and burnout risk measurement), TMS (Team Management System)


We are working with partners

Expert in collective intelligence, we work hand in hand with Laurence on projects.

Laurence Tessier, founder of KOALIA

Coach certifiée PCC-ICF, et formatrice, son domaine de prédilection est d’accompagner managers et leaders à concevoir et piloter des projets professionnels porteurs de sens, avec un leadership éthique pour un impact positif. Confiance en soi, marque personnelle, employabilité, intelligence émotionnelle, tisser ces liens pour permettre aux individus de réussir avec plaisir au sein des entreprises.

Nathalie Baron, fondatrice de Unique Pathways

Do you have organizational and human issues within your company ?

We will be happy to discuss with you to understand your situation and the difficulties you face in order to offer you an adapted support.
