Our services

Engage your teams towards collective efficiency

You are a company with a scientific/technical culture, a University, a Humanitarian Organization and you have organizational and human issues that prevent you from moving forward serenely ?

We support you according to your needs through a 3-phase support :
  1. Diagnose and detect the levers of development,
  2. Transform (training, practice, practice)
  3. Sustaining transitions by engaging the team around specific projects.
This accompaniment is based on 3 pillars: Training, Facilitation and Coaching; which can live together or separately.


Strengthen the cohesion and efficiency of your team.
A 4-step approach based on the 9 principles of life from ecosystems and applied to management.
Duration : 6 months
Targets : teams with their managers
Participants : 12 for 1 facilitator
Hybrid program with face-to-face and distance learning.


Individual Managerial Coaching.
Accompanying managers individually in the development of their roles and responsibilities within their often complex environment.
Hybrid program with face-to-face and distance learning.


Deploy your leadership for greater collective efficiency.
Integrate the challenges and impacts of new work methods for example.
Duration : 5 months, 2 + 1 + 1 +1 + 1 days
Targets : managers
Participants : 12 maximum
Hybrid program with face-to-face and distance learning.

Getting together is a start. Staying together is progress.
Working together is success.

Henri Ford

Do you have organizational and human issues within your company ?

We will be happy to discuss with you to understand your situation and the difficulties you face in order to offer you an adapted support.
